Saturday, February 24, 2007

In the world of Internet marketing, and especially affiliate marketing, there is always a lot of discussion about optimizing websites for search engines, finding profitable niches, blogging and pinging, etc. The one word that doesn't come up quite as often is "conversions." I wonder why?

It seems like increasing a site's conversion rate would be one of the most important topics discussed. After all, the conversion rate is a measure of the percentage of visitors that come to a site — and then make a purchase.

Even if you do everything in your power to get visitors to your site it's imperative that, after they get there, they actually buy something. The visitors that just stop by and take in all of the free information aren't worth much. The ones that buy are like gold.

There are some easy things that can be done to make sure a site's conversion rate is as high
as possible. In my next post, I'll show you three things you can do now (easily).

So stay tune.....

Monday, February 12, 2007

If you're new to Internet Marketing, you'll be doing most the stuff yourself, such as designing the web-pages. You may not have the resources to outsource this part of the business, as you may not have earn enough.

Doing it yourself is also a good way to learn, and I know that along the way, you'll encounter problems which you wish you had someone to help you.

This happened to me when I had problem designing the web page.

Now I found this site and it's totally free to join.

This site has the following goodies, and I strongly recommend to those who are newbies :-

  1. Free download of reports and ebooks.
  2. Free templates for your mini web page.
  3. Free video tutorials, a very comprehensive basic tutorials that covers most areas of the mini web page design.

Join it and make full use of it..... I have learn a few tips from the videos.

Click here to join for FREE.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Have you seen this blog 'Extra Income Online' by Zamri Nanyan (

This blog has a wealth of information not only on Internet Marketing but other related topics suchs as Google Adsense, SEO, Network Marketing, anything that you can make money online.

Check out the blog and who knows he may have a free gift waiting for you...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

When you have build your web-site or blog, the big question is 'how do you drive traffic to your site/blog?'.
These are the few things you can do :-

1. Post regularly- do short posts if necessary to get it updated.

2. Include rich keywords related to your topic.

3. Post blog RSS feed at sites which is related your topic.

4. Also submit your RSS to Google Reader, so Google Blog search picks up & indexes your site/blog.

5. Submit your blog to popular search engine such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc.

6. Leave comments on other sites/blogs related to your topic.

7. Put links in your email signature as well as in forum post.

8. You can also do it of-line by handing out flyers, business cards or even put stickers on your car.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Another Stephen Pierce video on '5 leverage points on success'